ratepayers and residents

This page contains general information on the services offered to the residents of the municipality.
Follow the links below for more details.
Household recycling and solid waste disposal is available for residents throughout the municipality. For information on placing a garbage bin in your yard, recycling, and where to dispose of non-household garbage, click here.
The municipality has policies in place for the prevention, control, and destruction of pests. More information on rats, weeds, gophers, and clubroot can be found here.
A partial list of goods and services available to ratepayers, along with any items currently available for sale by tender, can be viewed here.

Any controlled burns should be reported to the hotline at 1-866-404-4911 to avoid having the fire department called out unnecessarily. The information required by the hotline can be found here.
hay salvage and
ditch mowing
Hay can be salvaged at any time during the summer months.
The RM begins mowing as soon as possible in the spring. Watch the Facebook page for announcements when mowing starts.
A number of scholarships are available to rural students enrolled in post-secondary education. See the list here.